Maxine Thomas
Mississippi wasn’t a great centre for soul recordings in the 60s. The action was much greater in other southern states but if you look carefully there was fine music cut in Jackson and Greenville for example. And this lovely deep soul 45 from the latter town really fits the bill. Arranged in the classic manner of horns over a pumping triplet piano in 12/8 tempo Your Promises is just the sort of small town sound I love. Maxine sings robustly and fairly confidently with some great gritty phrases. The only other 45 I know on Bo-Bo is by band leader Cozy Corley.
UPDATE ~ My great friend Greg Burgess has discovered that Folkways released 2 LPs of material from Greenville, MS labels, one of which "Roots: The Rock And Roll Sound Of Louisiana and Mississippi" (FJ 2865) contains "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day". The notes say that the whole of the LP was recorded in New Orleans at Cosimo's studios. They also say that Maxine came from Danville, IL. The photo of her is from the notes. Both LPs can be bought and downloaded here.