Who Is Sir Shambling?

Sir Shambling is a man of a certain age whose passion for most forms of black music, especially soul and R & B, extends back over 40 years. During that time he has amassed a record collection of around 30,000 items, all lovingly cared for and indexed in the normal anally retentive fashion. He has contributed to a huge number of reissue LPs and CDs by way of info, record lending and compilation work, and has written the notes or booklets for over 400 of them.
This glorious obsession was funded by his day job as the CEO of a low-rent housing organisation, from which he has recently retired. Officially now a drain on his nation's resources, Sir Shambling is sliding gracelessly into old age. Picture him in his slippers, shuffling aimlessly about, mumbling to himself. Not long before the men in white coats catch up with him...
The unfortunate Lady Shambling tries hard to bring some semblance of normality to their lives, but this task is sadly doomed to failure. Clad in rags, she watches as all the money they have (and all that they’ve been able to borrow), including her own income, disappears into the never ending quest for vinyl.
They live together with their three cats in a house groaning under the weight of the record collection, watching as the cracks in the load bearing walls grow ever wider, dreading the day when the entire edifice comes crashing down on their heads, bringing them to a well deserved - if highly unusual - end.