Razel Cleveland
This is another of those obscurities that I hope will provoke somebody to write and add more info to what is sadly going to be a pretty thin piece. A Mother Weeping is a desperately sad piece of poetry put into a minor keyed big band setting over which Razel adds a moving blues delivery. I’m pretty sure this 45 comes more from the jazz world than the R & B one – the big production, certain ways of phrasing that Razel uses and the overall “feel” of the result. And it is also pretty recent – the 80s would be my guess. But more info on the recording and on Razel herself would be very welcome.
UPDATE ~ Dante Carfagna writes to confirm my guess on the date of the this 45 - 1981 he says to be precise - and he adds that it was recorded in Chicago. I'm always grateful to Dante for sharing his great knowledge.
A mother weeping / Say something to me ~ OUTASIGHT 100181 (1981)