Judy Green
Judy Green’s first record was for that interesting label Klondike, a subsidiary of Holiday Inn, and like the parent company, almost all of the music issued came out of Memphis. But while the rhythm for Judy’s 45 was probably cut there, despite writer/producer Tee Fletcher’s Atlanta, GA base, the wonderful Memphis Horns are obviously in full flow on the beat ballad I Can’t Get Along Without You, and credited too which is nice. This cut is a little more melodic than the similarly paced “Come Out Of The Crowd” – but its worthy southern soul in it’s own right.
I think the vocals on the Aware 45 show Judy’s best side, more committed and forthright both on the funky little “Face To Face” and on the big city ballad I Still Love You So, very well arranged and produced by Fletcher, this time definitely in his home town. More from this artist would have been very welcome.
Come out of the crowd / I can’t get along without you ~ KLONDIKE 2232 (1969)
Face to face / I still love you ~ AWARE 28 (1972)