O C & The Originals
Seemingly the only 45 that O C Wardlow cut, this little beauty from North Carolina is a perfect example of how simplicity can often be best. Over a somewhat cheesy organ, and a guitar that tracks the bass line, O C sings his song of love while an almost inaudible tenor sax meanders in the background. A good melody and a committed singer take this naïve ballad – which must have been cut right at the end of the doo-wop era – about as far as it can be taken. A rarity that deserves much greater recognition as it is rumoured that O C is now sadly deceased.
UPDATE ~ I'm delighted to say that I haveheard from OC's niece who writes:-
"I'm O.C. Wardlow's niece, thank you for preserving a piece of love. I never owned this recording, but was so thankful to know it still around. Thanks again." Of course I sent her a CD with both sides of the 45 right away.