Oscar & Steve

This is a real obscurity – a 45 that has slipped way under the radar. Partly this is a consequence of Ft Worth, TX record man Major Bill Smith’s idiosyncratic way of numbering his releases, as Soft 1005 is also home to 45s by Gene Summers and Bobby Skel. It doesn’t help either that there is no information at all on the label – not even the writers names. But Oscar & Steve are really Oscar Mack and Steve Jackson, who along with Donny Collier formed the Trio that backed James Duncan in the early and mid 60s. So this single was recorded in Macon, GA in that time period and found it’s way – heaven only knows how – to the Major’s clutches. “Shut Up” is a thumping piece of uptempo soul while ListenForever And Always is a classic southern deep soul item. Great harmonies of course, and some gritty lead singing, plus a pumping piano and vibrant horns.


Shut up! / ListenForever and always ~ SOFT 1005 (mid 60s)

Thanks to Dave Porter for the sugestion and for info.

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