Chuck Stephens

New York singer Chuck Stephens had a couple of releases in the mid 70s both of which had a good ballad on them. The one on Jen Jillus “Love You Mady” is a bit too sweet for these pages, but the East Caost 45 has the super ListenGirl I Want To Make Love To You to make up for it. You can tell from the opening chords that the song was written and produced by the great Roy C as its right in his “Sex and Soul” bag. But even though Stephens isn’t quite as forceful as Roy was in his prime, he still does a fine job of making his sexual frustration perfectly clear. One that every southern soul fan should know about for sure.


Let’s get nasty / ListenGirl I want to make love to you ~ EAST COAST 1001 (1975)
Pray for Rosemary’s baby / Love you madly (need you badly) ~ JEN JILLUS 800 (mid 1970s)
Paying for your love / Coffee ~ LEO MINI 110 (19777)


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