Soul Shouting Tommy
Louisiana’s Anla label , a subsidiary of Eddie Shuler's more famous Goldband setup, has more than a few really good 45s on it, such as those by Big Daddy Greene, Charles Greene, Ike Porter and Dynamic Adam. Added to their number should be this one off from Soul Shouting Tommy, whose real name might have been Thomas J Jefferson going by the writer credits. “I’m The Man” is fairly strong strutting southern funk, but for my taste the other side is far superior. To Be Loved by you is an excellent deep soul ballad on which Tommy really shines, after a bit of a wobbly start it must be admitted. But as his confidence grows through the song, he gets more and more convincing. He could well be one of those outstanding blue eyed soulmen that Louisiana produced in such numbers. And is that the Boogie Kings providing that fine support?